Customized SMS Server

Comparatively our SMS Server is very secure compact very powerful open source WAP and SMS gateway.  Another key point is it’s reliable SMS Communication Bridge using a modem instead of internet-based SMS Gateways. In this case if you use our SMS Server may save you’re a lots of messaging cost. It is also more secure than others. With attention to your one-time-codes and messages are not transmitted over internet. In other words the Altis Infonet is an open-source SMS Gateway with many enterprise-class features. It is also built to be easily customized to meet the specific needs. It is based on strong message routing algorithms. It’s also provides flexibility to define rule based routing based on various criteria.

What We Offer

World-Class Talent for your projects

Secure and Reliable

Important to realize that SMS text messaging is a well proven technology. By all means it is far most secure and efficient way to send alerts. As a result feel safe to know that your selected people will receive all alerts.


In other word you can easily add a new gateway into your cluster. As data is synchronized. Hence you don’t have to waste time into configuration. If it’s not enough, you can develop your own though.

Load Balancing

Similarly we provide a set of load-balancing algorithms that fit your needs. With a single click, your API is deployed to every our gateway. It is as always ready to be consumed.

Fast and Reliable

Genrally sending SMS from an on-site SMS gateway not routed via different countries. Ensuring your messages are delivered in a timely manner.

Privacy and Confidentiality

As a matter of fact SMS Gateway avoids uploading valuable data to a 3rd party service provider. Ideal only for companies. Such as Banks, Finance and Credit Card companies.

Easy Implementation

As connects seamlessly to your existing LAN and provides browser based management. Incoming SMS messages can also be routed to either an individual email address. In addition it is also routed to a group distribution email address.